Peter's Bookshelf

Two hundred and fifty-two books that I've read. Created with Readwise.

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Reviewed Books

★ 10/10

Yuval Noah Harari

This completely changed my view of humanity's place in the world, our accepted societal structures and everything we perceive to be 'normal'. I used to think history was boring, however this book opened my eyes to the incredible breadth of knowledge which can be learned from studying humanity's journey to this point in time.

★ 10/10
A Guide to the Good Life

William B. Irvine

Stoicism is a practical guide to living in an inherently unpredictable world. This book is amongst my all time favourites and provides an extremely accessible and actionable overview of Stoicism's key teachings. The learnings from this book help me on a daily basis, especially in controlling my response to negative events.

★ 10/10
The Personal MBA

Josh Kaufman

If you were to read only one business book, I would recommend this! It provides bite-sized insights into the various business functions - Value creation, Marketing, Sales, Finance etc. The section on the human mind has curated highlights from the best behavioral economics books.

★ 10/10

Robert B. Cialdini PhD

Discover the 6 proven techniques sales, marketing and compliance professionals use to influence oblivious consumers. Protect yourself from the unwanted effects of advertising by understanding the techniques utilised.

★ 10/10
Stumbling on Happiness

Daniel Gilbert

A superb exploration of how we perceive our general happiness levels and various quirks of the human brain. Interesting deep dive on the limitations of human memory and how comparison has such an impact on happiness. This book also introduced me to the concept of hedonic adaption.

★ 10/10
Fifty Things That Made the Modern Economy

Tim Harford

As an engineer, I geeked out exploring the unsung inventions which have profoundly affected our modern world. If you are the curious type who needs to undertsand why things are the way they are you'll love this enjoyable and educational read.

★ 10/10
What It Takes

Stephen A. Schwarzman

★ 10/10
The Ride of a Lifetime

Robert Iger

★ 10/10
Turquoise Eyes

Kris Safarova

★ 10/10
Lords of Strategy

Walter Kiechel III

★ 10/10
How to Think More Effectively

The School of Life

★ 10/10
How Not to Die

Michael Greger and Gene Stone

★ 10/10
The Future Is Faster Than You Think

Peter H. Diamandis, Steven Kotler

★ 10/10
The Phoenix Project

Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford

★ 9/10
Getting Things Done

David Allen

"Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them." GTD - 10x your To-do/Check lists with this framework to increase productivity and reduce stress. I use the principles taught in this book every day to manage all activities in my life.

★ 9/10
Extreme Ownership

Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Written by Navy Seals, this book is as intense and full on as the name suggests! Take ownership and responsibility for everything in your life. Solid and practicable advice as told by successful and revered military leaders.

★ 9/10
Trust Me, I'm Lying

Ryan Holiday

Understand the media system designed to trick and steal every second of the most precious resource in the world—people’s time. This absolute must-read will transform your view of the media.

★ 9/10
Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman

Richard P Feynman and Edward Hutchings

Superb biography of the insanely smart and funny Nobel prize winning Physicist. I laughed out loud throughout and was entertained from start to finish!

★ 9/10

David Eagleman

Quirky book of short tales which explore 40 different versions of what the afterlife is like. Amusing and profound!

★ 9/10
Tools of Titans

Timothy Ferriss

It took me weeks to finish this mega-dense book packed full of timeless advice from guests on Tim's podcast. I recommend reading in bite sized chunks rather than from start to finish!

★ 9/10
The Happiness Advantage

Shawn Achor

Happiness brings success, not the other way round. Seven digestible principles for cultivating a happy mind are outlined in this positive read.

★ 9/10
Prisoners of Geography

Tim Marshall

Geography plays a key role in global politics and economics. This book's 10 chapters focus on Russia, China, the USA, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Japan and Korea, and Greenland and the Arctic. Each chapter explores the geography of the selected region and the influence it has on geo-political strategies of the world powers.

★ 9/10
Deep Work

Cal Newport

Focus, avoid multi-tasking and engage in prolonged deep meaningful work. Great tips for anyone frustrated by the constant stream of notifications, emails and daily distractions.

★ 9/10

Ray Dalio

Dense read with some powerful concepts amongst the 600 pages. Principles are fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behaviour that gets you what you want out of life. I highly recommend just reading the Intro & ‘Part II: Life Principles’ whilst skipping the rest.

★ 9/10

Jason Fried und David Heinemeier Hansson

Concise read from the founders of Basecamp with many actionable takeaways to improve focus, decisiveness and productivity in the workplace. Recommended read for anyone in a startup or those looking to bring a startup mentality to their current job.

★ 9/10
Awaken the Giant Within

Tony Robbins

At times quite American and over the top, it's worth powering through for the superb life advice. With almost 400 highlights it's most highlighted book of all time!

★ 9/10
How to Win Friends and Influence People

Dale Carnegie

Amongst the most famous personal development classics, and with good reason. Discover 30 common sense tips to enhance your social skills and interactions with others.

★ 9/10
A Man for All Markets

Edward O. Thorp

★ 9/10
Data &Amp; Dialogue

Jaap Bosman and Vincent Cordo

★ 9/10
Excellent Advice for Living

Kevin Kelly

★ 9/10
You Look Like a Thing and I Love You

Janelle Shane

★ 9/10
Succeeding as a Management Consultant

Kris Safarova

★ 9/10
Sign Here

Alex Hamilton

★ 9/10

Matthew Dicks and Dan Kennedy

★ 9/10
The Next Fifty Things That Made the Modern Economy

Tim Harford

★ 9/10

Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares

★ 9/10
The Complete Life's Little Instruction Book

H. Jackson Brown

★ 9/10
The Most Important Thing Illuminated

Howard Marks, Paul Johnson

★ 9/10
Atomic Habits

James Clear

★ 9/10
Super Thinking

Gabriel Weinberg and Lauren McCann

★ 9/10

Greg McKeown

★ 9/10
Red Notice

Bill Browder

★ 8/10
Man's Search for Meaning

Viktor E. Frankl

Written by a psychiatrist held prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War 2, the author's message of finding hope and greater meaning in the midst of suffering has proved to be extremely popular and inspirational to others.

★ 8/10
The 4-Hour Workweek

Timothy Ferriss

Tim Ferriss's 1st book outlines strategies to design an alternative lifestyle, one free from the 9-5pm grind that facilitates regular travel. Even if you don't plan a career change there are plenty of tactics to streamline your life.

★ 8/10

Nir Eyal

This popular book explores the tactics used by successful technology companies to create engaging and addictive products. A must read for anyone working on a consumer tech product.

★ 8/10
The Obstacle Is the Way

Ryan Holiday

The only audiobook I've completed, this book changed my perspective on facing problems and issues. A great read for anyone looking for inspiration of overcoming challenges.

★ 8/10
21 Lessons for the 21st Century

Yuval Noah Harari

The latest book from the author of the hugely popular Sapiens explores current affairs and the immediate future of human societies. The author focuses on the biggest challenges facing the world now, including; Technological disruption, climate change and nuclear war.

★ 8/10
Shoe Dog

Phil Knight

The founder of Nike recounts the company's journey from zero to global sports giant.

★ 8/10
The Compound Effect

Darren Hardy

Small improvements made every day compound and lead to huge growth. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default.

★ 8/10
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

Scott Adams

Scott Adams is best known for creating the Dilbert cartoon strip and predicting Trump’s win more than a year ahead of the result! He shares his fascinating life story and techniques which he believes can drive anyone to success. Goals are for losers, Systems are for winners.

★ 8/10
It Takes a Tribe

Will Dean

Light and enjoyable read on the origins of the hugely popular ‘Tough Mudder’ adventure race and the growth of it’s devout community.

★ 8/10
The Little Big Things

Henry Fraser

Inspirational and moving story of how a young rugby star came to terms with a horrific diving accident that left him paralysed from the neck down. This short book gave much food for thought on the value of practising daily gratitude, focusing on what lies within your control and the power of a strong support network to overcome incredible obstacles.

★ 8/10
I Will Teach You to Be Rich

Ramit Sethi

Ignore the scammy title, this popular personal finance book gives a superb intro to increasing wealth by explaining how to manage current accounts, savings accounts, pensions and an investment portfolio. The learnings are easy to digest and apply.

★ 8/10
Show Your Work!

Austin Kleon

If your work isn't online, it doesn't exist. Share what you love and those who love the same things will find you.

★ 8/10
Why Vote Leave

Daniel Hannan

I don't follow Brexit at all, yet my default has always been that it's foolish to leave the EU. It was extremely insightful to read the opposing view and listen to the argument of those who voted to leave.

★ 8/10
Lean In

Sheryl Sandberg

Great insights into the challenges faced by women in work environments which fundamentally hinder their ability to progress their career.

★ 8/10

Ryan Holiday

Fantastic insight into billionaire Peter Thiel’s 10-year stealth campaign to bring down Gawker Media. The book outlines Gawker writers treatment of journalism like a game, where scandalous articles and pages views were the ultimate prizes. The ethics of Thiel using his wealth to shutter a business that slighted him are examined in a fair and balanced coverage of the dramatic lawsuit.

★ 8/10
On Form

Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz

Energy, not time is our most valuable resource, and we should optimise our lives accordingly.

★ 8/10
The Upstarts

Brad Stone

Discover the origins and the meteoritic rise of Airbnb & Uber. Great insight into their respective resilience in surmounting the challenges of regulators, industry incumbents, and fearsome rivals!

★ 8/10
The Magic of Thinking Big

David J Schwartz

An inspiring book that encourages the reader to aim high, believe big and go for large wins. Think big goals and win big success.

★ 8/10
The Lean Startup

Eric Ries

A must-read for anyone interested in startups or looking to launch a side project. Launch early, learn from feedback and improve quickly.

★ 8/10
Homo Deus

Yuval Noah Harari

A long and dense read, with some very interesting discussions including bioengineering, the potential role of humans in a rapidly advancing technological future and an examination of our attitudes to animals. I originally gave this a lower rating, but time has enabled the main points to sink in and be appreciated!

★ 8/10
The Mom Test

Rob Fitzpatrick

★ 8/10
Maxims for Thinking Analytically

Dan Levy

★ 8/10
Smart Brevity

Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz

★ 8/10
Chip War

Chris Miller

★ 8/10
Banking on It

Anne Boden

★ 8/10
Same as Ever

Morgan Housel

★ 8/10
How Big Things Get Done

Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner

★ 8/10
Poor Richard's Almanac

Benjamin Franklin

★ 8/10
NewLaw New Rules - A Conversation About the Future of the Legal Services Industry

George Beaton

★ 8/10
Poor Charlie's Almanack by Charles T. Munger

Charles T. Munger

★ 8/10
Leading Professionals

Laura Empson

★ 8/10
Why the Dutch Are Different

Ben Coates

★ 8/10
$100M Offers

Alex Hormozi

★ 8/10
Clear Thinking

Shane Parrish

★ 8/10
The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking

Dale Carnegie

★ 8/10
Managing the Professional Service Firm

David H. Maister

★ 8/10
Big Law Confidential

D.W. Randolph

★ 8/10
The Strategy Journal

Safarova Kristina

★ 8/10
Tuesdays With Morrie

Mitch Albom

★ 8/10
The Design of Everyday Things

Don Norman

★ 8/10
A New Taxonomy

Bruce MacEwen

★ 8/10
Corporate Finance Made Simple

Mike Piper

★ 8/10
Accounting Made Simple

Mike Piper

★ 8/10
Servants of the Damned

David Enrich

★ 8/10
Secret Tradecraft of Elite Advisors

David C. Baker, Emily Mills, and Bryn Mooth

★ 8/10
The Business of Expertise

David C. Baker

★ 8/10
Corporate Counsel

Peter Carayiannis

★ 8/10

Kris Safarova

★ 8/10
Rebooting AI

Gary Marcus, Ernest Davis

★ 8/10
Bulletproof Problem Solving

Charles Conn and Robert McLean

★ 8/10
Where Good Ideas Come From

Steven Johnson

★ 8/10
The Culture Map

Erin Meyer

★ 8/10
Finding Ultra

Rich Roll

★ 8/10
How to Be German in 50 Easy Steps

Adam Fletcher, Robert M. Schöne, and Ingo Herzke

★ 8/10
The Simple Workbook for Legal Innovation

Lucy Endel Bassli

★ 8/10
CLM Simplified

Lucy Endel Bassli

★ 8/10

Jane McGonigal

★ 8/10
The Little Book of Talent

Daniel Coyle

★ 8/10
The Minimalist Entrepreneur

Sahil Lavingia

★ 8/10
The Psychology of Money

Morgan Housel

★ 8/10
When Breath Becomes Air

Paul Kalanithi

★ 8/10
Successful Digital Transformation in Law Firms

Isabel Parker

★ 8/10
The Rise of Legal Services Outsourcing

Mary Lacity, Andrew Burgess, and Leslie Willcocks

★ 8/10

Bruce MacEwen

★ 8/10
Tools and Weapons

Brad Smith, Carol Ann Browne, and Bill Gates

★ 8/10
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

Charlie Mackesy

★ 8/10
Measure What Matters

John Doerr

★ 8/10
AI for Lawyers

Noah Waisberg and Alexander Hudek

★ 8/10
The Complete Guide to Property Investment

Rob Dix

★ 8/10
We Have Everything We Need

Jindy Mann

★ 8/10

Matthew McConaughey

★ 8/10
Tao of Charlie Munger

David Clark

★ 8/10
The Midnight Library

Matt Haig

★ 8/10

Jason Fried, David Heinemeier Hansson

★ 8/10
The Prize

Daniel Yergin

★ 8/10
The Great Legal Reformation

Mitchell Kowalski

★ 8/10
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant

Eric Jorgenson, Jack Butcher, and Tim Ferriss

★ 8/10
The Box

Marc Levinson

★ 8/10
Thinking in Bets

Annie Duke

★ 8/10
Life's Little Instruction Book

H. Jackson Brown

★ 8/10
Never Split the Difference

Chris Voss and Tahl Raz

★ 8/10

George Orwell

★ 8/10
Nonviolent Communication

Marshall B. Rosenberg, Arun Gandhi

★ 8/10
Problem Hacking

Yonatan Levy

★ 8/10
The Great Mental Models

Shane Parrish, Rhiannon Beaubien

★ 8/10
How to Talk to Anyone

Leil Lowndes

★ 8/10

Ronald Anderson

★ 8/10
The Unicorn Project

Gene Kim

★ 8/10
Stillness Is the Key

Ryan Holiday

★ 8/10
Avoiding Extinction

Mitchell Kowalski

★ 8/10
You Are What You Read

Jodie Jackson

★ 8/10
Lost Connections

Johann Hari

★ 8/10

Rory Sutherland

★ 8/10
There Is No Planet B

Mike Berners-Lee

★ 8/10

Laura Whateley

★ 8/10
The DevOps Handbook

Gene Kim, Patrick Debois, Jez Humble, John Willis

★ 8/10

Tara Westover

★ 8/10
The Goal

Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox, and David Whitford

★ 8/10
Fooled by Randomness

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

★ 8/10
Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability

Daniel Vacanti

★ 8/10
Making Work Visible

Dominica Degrandis

★ 8/10
Life 3.0

Max Tegmark

★ 8/10
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Richard Carlson

★ 8/10
Steve Jobs

Walter Isaacson

★ 8/10
Win Bigly

Scott Adams

★ 8/10
Bad Blood

John Carreyrou

★ 8/10
Food Rules

Michael Pollan

★ 8/10
Anything You Want

Derek Sivers

★ 8/10

Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, and Anna Rosling Rönnlund

★ 8/10
Nineteen Eighty-Four

George Orwell and Thomas Pynchon

★ 8/10
Moonwalking With Einstein

Joshua Foer

★ 8/10
The Organized Mind

Daniel Levitin

★ 8/10

Tom Wainwright

★ 7/10
Who Moved My Cheese

Spencer Johnson

This short read uses the metaphor of mice seeking cheese in a maze to encourage us to embrace change! Recommended for those resisting change in their career, relationships or other areas of life.

★ 7/10
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen R. Covey

The grandfather of personal development books, this dense best seller has some great actionable takeaways in each of the seven principles.

★ 7/10
Let My People Go Surfing

Yvon Chouinard and Naomi Klein

The founder of Patagonia discusses his unorthodox approach to business and running a large corporate. Very cool to see a large company with sustainability at the core of everything they do.

★ 7/10
The Doorstep Mile

Alastair Humphreys

Simple tips and motivational stories to live a more adventurous life

★ 7/10
Make It Stick

Peter C. Brown

Multiple reviews recommended just reading the first and last chapter. I did just that and got a few great practical tips to improve knowledge retention.

★ 7/10
The Startup Way

Eric Ries

Introducing startup thinking and a specialised innovation function to a large corporate can be challenging. Discover useful techniques for creating innovation teams and measuring their success in a corporate environment.

★ 7/10
Do No Harm

Henry Marsh

Enthralling first-hand account of the ever-challenging career of a successful Neurosurgeon. The devastating brain tumors and catastrophic operations gave me a reason to reflect on my own mortality. I also felt extremely lucky that as a tech worker a bad day at the office can never reach the harrowing lows of some professions!

★ 7/10
The War of Art

Steven Pressfield

A motivational handbook that addresses the internal struggles that prevent individuals from pursuing their creative endeavours. The book gives practical advice and strategies for overcoming resistance and achieving creative success.

★ 7/10

Richard Meadows

★ 7/10
Tribe of Mentors

Timothy Ferriss

★ 7/10

Marcus Aurelius

★ 7/10
The Daily Stoic

Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman

★ 7/10
Contract Redlining Etiquette

Nada Alnajafi

★ 7/10
The Private Equity Playbook

Adam Coffey

★ 7/10
Rebel Ideas

Matthew Syed

★ 7/10
Steal Like an Artist

Austin Kleon

★ 7/10
A Practical Approach to Effective Litigation

Susan Blake

★ 7/10
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race

Reni Eddo-Lodge

★ 7/10
Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law

Dennis Kennedy

★ 7/10
'What Do You Care What Other People Think?'

Richard P. Feynman

★ 7/10
The Inevitable

Kevin Kelly

★ 7/10
The Money Revolution

Anne Boden

★ 7/10
The Effective Executive

Peter Drucker

★ 7/10
Digital Minimalism

Cal Newport

★ 7/10

Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool

★ 7/10
Goodbye, Things

Fumio Sasaki

★ 7/10
How to Read a Book

Charles Van Doren, Mortimer J. Adler

★ 7/10
Letters From a Stoic


★ 7/10
The Richest Man in Babylon

George S. Clason

★ 7/10
The Happiness Hypothesis

Jonathan Haidt

★ 7/10
Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart

Gordon Livingston and Elizabeth Edwards

★ 7/10
The E-Myth Revisited

Michael E. Gerber

★ 7/10
Thinking, Fast and Slow

Daniel Kahneman

★ 7/10

Malcolm Gladwell

★ 7/10

Rolf Potts

★ 7/10
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

Mark Manson

★ 7/10
Start With Why

Simon Sinek

★ 7/10
Zero to One

Peter Thiel, Blake Masters

★ 7/10
Elon Musk

Ashlee Vance

★ 7/10
Ego Is the Enemy

Ryan Holiday

★ 7/10

Robert Cialdini

★ 7/10
Pitch Anything

Oren Klaff

★ 7/10
It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work

Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

★ 6/10
The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Ben Horowitz

This would be a super read for a CEO scaling a large tech startup and facing many challenging decisions. Unfortunately, I am not in such position, hence my low rating for a book which many seem to love.

★ 6/10
The Awakened Ape

Jevan Pradas

This book compares the lifestyle of hunter gatherers to modern society. Despite our advances, it appears we may now be unhealthier and unhappier. The author makes a number of interesting points but overall the argument feels relatively weak and unscientific.

★ 6/10
The 5 Love Languages

Gary Chapman

The 5 love languages is an interesting and popular framework for helping navigate the ever complex world of love. Think of a personality test, but one which focuses exclusively on how we express and feel love!

★ 6/10

Sam Harris and Annaka Harris

Short read on the benefits of telling the truth.

★ 6/10
The Moral Sayings of Publius Syrus

Publius Syrus

Enjoyable short book of old school quotes. Although many seem quite similar, skim through and you'll no doubt pick up a few gems.

★ 6/10
Get Together

Bailey Richardson, Kevin Huynh, and Kai Elmer Sotto

★ 6/10

Nancy Duarte

★ 6/10
Lessons From Private Equity Any Company Can Use

Orit Gadiesh and Hugh Macarthur

★ 6/10
Critical Thinking, Logic &Amp; Problem Solving

Bigrocks Thinking

★ 6/10
The 2-Hour Cocktail Party

Nick Gray

★ 6/10
The Decision Book

Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler

★ 6/10
The McKinsey Way

Ethan M. Rasiel

★ 6/10
How to Find the Right Words

The School of Life

★ 6/10
Online Courts and the Future of Justice

Richard Susskind

★ 6/10
The Art of Learning

Josh Waitzkin

★ 6/10
The Communication Book

Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschäppeler

★ 6/10
Carbon Detox

George Marshall

★ 6/10
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

Arnold Bennett and D. Cook

★ 6/10
Tomorrow's Lawyers

Richard Susskind

★ 6/10
How to Get Rich

Felix Dennis

★ 6/10
Managed Services in a Month

Karl Palachuk

★ 6/10
Complete Live and Learn and Pass It On

H. Jackson Brown

★ 6/10
Start With Why

Simon Sinek

★ 6/10
Who Moved My Cheese?

Spencer Johnson and Kenneth Blanchard

★ 6/10

Malcolm Gladwell

★ 6/10
The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho

★ 6/10
Digital Minimalism

Cal Newport

★ 6/10
Skin in the Game

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

★ 6/10
This Is Water

David Foster Wallace

★ 6/10
The Millionaire Fastlane

MJ DeMarco

★ 6/10
How to Take Smart Notes

Sönke Ahrens

★ 6/10
Talking to My Daughter About the Economy

Yanis Varoufakis

★ 6/10
The Score Takes Care of Itself

Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison, Craig Walsh

★ 6/10
The Defining Decade

Meg Jay

★ 6/10
Purple Cow

Seth Godin

★ 6/10
If I Could Tell You Just One Thing...

Richard Reed and Samuel Kerr

★ 6/10
The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho

★ 6/10
The 4-Hour Body

Timothy Ferriss

★ 6/10
Smarter Faster Better

Charles Duhigg

★ 6/10
100 Things Successful People Do

Nigel Cumberland

★ 6/10

Fin Goulding and Haydn Shaughnessy

★ 5/10

Cass R Sunstein and Richard H Thaler

Many people do not put much consideration in their choices and go with default options. This explores how carefully designed defaults can impact peoples behaviour.

★ 5/10
The Big Four

Stuart Kells and Ian D. Gow

★ 4/10
Playing to Win

A. G. Lafley, Roger Martin, A.G. Lafley, Roger L. Martin

Strategy book outlining the tools and frameworks P&G use to win in their many business lines. This was pretty repetitive.

★ 4/10
What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School

Mark H. McCormack

Having seen this featured in the Dublin Airport bookshop list of best sellers for a few months I thought it must be somewhat good...rookie mistake. Although I persisted until the end I wish I had stopped half way through.

★ 4/10
The Checklist Manifesto

Atul Gawande

Good message, however infinitely more suitable as a blog post than a full book.

★ 3/10
Age Doesn't Matter Unless You're a Cheese

Kathryn & Ross Petras

I bought this short book of quotes a few days before turning 28. Great title, unfortunately it was downhill from there.

★ 2/10
The Art of Asking

Amanda Palmer

I gave up 25% through.

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